The correct method of creating and compiling official documents is integral to the workings of a successful company.
It ensures the preservation of knowledge and prevents certain skills from being confined to the ability of a single employee.
Should such a singularly skilled employee become unavailable due to sickness or change of employment, even simple operational procedures can escalate into complex and difficult problems.
In this manner, official documents can outline simple procedures in order to minimize risks for personnel, machines and company data.
Documents set up clear rules and boundaries.
Judging from the past experience of other companies, documentation should not be compiled by technical personnel as their skills are constantly required for their daily routines.
In other words, general personnel will rarely have the time to prepare assiduous documentation due to the urgent tasks they perform on a daily Basis.
Furthermore, in most cases general employees do not have the required skillset or experience necessary to compile documentation, which should be fully comprehensible while being as methodical and efficient as possible.
Unfortunately, it is inevitable that the compiler will overlook documenting certain details due to taking them for granted as common knowledge.